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ALOE VERA - The Encyclopedia of Flawless Skin — Blog Nanoil United States

ALOE VERA - The Encyclopedia of Flawless Skin

ALOE VERA - The Encyclopedia of Flawless Skin

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The diversity of ingredients in aloe vera is unbeatable: over 200 biologically-active substances! There is no plant that would overtake it on a highway to healthy, flawless skin. Aloe is a master of skin care. Applying it to the skin is a very wise step. Learn how it works, what it's made of and what aloe-based product is the best.

Aloe - old & best natural cosmetic

It was known in the ancient times. It was used by Cleopatra, Nefertiti, Maya peoples, Aztecs. Its healing properties were recorded on ancient papyri - aloe vera was somewhat cherished. Today, we know it even better and still appreciate it for all the good it is capable of.

Aloe INCI: aloe barbadensis, aloe vera

We already mentioned that aloe contains over 200 active ingredients, including vitamins, amino acids, minerals, enzymes and polysaccharides. In practice this means that aloe is the most precious plant which has a real effect on the appearance of skin, its youthness, health and condition.

What marvels is aloe made of?

  • Healthy fatty acids: arachidic, caprylic, linoleic, palmitic, stearic acids that regulate processes in skin cells, have an occlusive effect and protect the skin.
  • Organic fatty acids: malic, citric, pyruvic, cinnamic and salicylic acids repair the skin and increase its absorptiveness.
  • Enzymes that deliver oxygen and energy to cells.
  • Essential and endogenous fatty acids that prevent aging process on the molecular level.
  • B vitamins (incl. biotin) that ensure proper functioning of skin cells like no other vitamins and enhance the absorption of fatty acids.
  • Vitamins A, C, E that are known as vitamins of youth, essential or even priceless in skin care and keeping the skin young-looking.
  • Folic acid that stimulates cellular renewal.
  • Mineral salts of zinc, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, manganese - ingredients that keep the skin lovely-looking and youthful, repair it and prevent damage of epidermis.
  • Antioxidants (such as antiaging polyphenols) that counteract free radicals and maintain necessary levels of moisture.

Believe it or not...

... the composition of aloe is made up of over 200 ingredients essential for the entire body, including 18 out of 22 amino acids found in human body and 7 out of 8 essential fatty acids that the body isn't able to produce! They are necessary for the proper production of proteins; in other words, for young, healthy, smoothly-functioning skin and its cells.

Aloe vera - gel, juice or flesh?

There are different forms of aloe you can use on your skin: flesh, fresh juice or gel that's made after getting the juice out of the plant. What makes the best pick for skin care purposes? All forms of aloe vera prove to work equally strongly.

No matter the form, aloe vera is a rich composition of compounds and substances that complement each other for intensive skin-conditioning and healing effect.

As far as the in-depth skin repair goes, light yet highly-concentrated aloe juice (Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice) has the best ability to penetrate the epidermis.

Aloe for face care? It works best when infused into serum

The best way of applying aloe vera to face skin is - hands down - using serum whose runny, lightweight formula is made for the fast-absorbing aloe vera juice. The particles of the juice are perfectly absorbed by the skin whereas face serum made of high-quality, carefully-chosen ingredients facilitates the absorption.

Aloe juice, that is Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, makes an ideal component of cosmetic products and it's somewhat made for face care. You can search for it in the most prestigious products, ideally serums.

Aloe in skin care. Who should use it?

Aloe is one of the most precious ingredients known to the world of cosmetics. It is both powerful and all-natural. Aloe is ideal for all skin types at all ages. It gives amazing support to moisturizers and creams. Aloe-based skin care brings plenty of benefits.

Is aloe good only for face care?

Aloe is a multi-purpose ingredient so it isn't used only for face care. If you want to treat your body with aloe, you should choose its thicker form - skin-protecting aloe gel. It is a great pick for the summertime because aloe is lightweight and works as a nice cooling agent for sun-warmed skin. You can also apply aloe to hair (ideally mix it with natural oil), feet and hands. And remember to entrust your face skin to a highly-concentrated, light aloe-based facial serum.

Friendly surroundings, or what to pair aloe vera with?

Aloe is a class of its own but if you want your skin to receive more benefits, treat it to an extra duo. The following ingredients "get along" with aloe vera:

  • aloe vera + white tea = a perfect match because white tea is a rich source of agents that stimulate skin to repair, plus it improves the appearance of skin.
  • aloe vera + hyaluronic acid = a noteworthy couple because aloe stimulates synthesis of HA. You can mix the acid with aloe in a 1:1 ratio or apply them at different times of the day (hyaluronic acid in the PM, aloe serum in the AM).
  • aloe vera + retinol = nothing has such skin-rejuvenating and repairing effect as [retinol]. Not only does aloe stimulate retinol to work but also regenerates, calms and protects the skin from the sunlight. That is why you should use retinol e.g. in a nighttime cream whereas your aloe serum makes the best pick in the AM before a moisturizer. This kind of double-power skin care will rapidly give you incredible results.

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