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Medium Porosity Hair. Stuff You Should Know — Blog Nanoil United States

Medium Porosity Hair. Stuff You Should Know

Medium Porosity Hair. Stuff You Should Know

Defining it as 'normal' is a little bit too optimistic. Medium porosity hair also has its issues that are far from being normal, especially when exposed to improper and mismatching care. Then, plenty of problems appear at once which immediately worsens hair condition and alters its appearance into an unprepossessing one. This is hair that constantly balances between perfect looks and doubtful charm. Find out the characteristic features of medium porosity hair and learn how to treat it right.

Medium Porosity Hair: Profile

Medium porosity hair can be described as stuck between heavy/thick hair of low porosity and severely damaged/dehydrated hair. How does such hair look like? The first characteristic to mention is the layer of cuticles that are slightly raised. Secondly, such hair isn’t troublesome when it comes to taking care of it, it’s easy to style but at the same time very fickle. Sadly, there's not much needed to ruin medium porosity hair condition.

It's typical for medium porosity hair to be 'in bad shape' because its bulbs become weakened fast too. Consequently, hair might fall out and even stop growing at all. To put it differently, medium porosity hair is a step away from being in an miserable condition. Such hair is thin which translates into really poor inner keratin structure - mismatching care combined with the lack of protection is all it takes to ruin medium porosity hair completely.

When placed under the microscope it can be noticed that medium porosity hair cuticles are raised. This opens the way for all the external factors to penetrate hair structures and gradually worsen its condition. This means that such hair needs immediate reinforcement. Moreover, disturbed acid-base balance in scalp results in greasy and thinning hair that lacks volume and body. This condition might be accompanied with wet dandruff.

Indeed, medium porosity hair is fairly problematic. It's really easy to deteriorate its condition which makes hair matte, rough, frizzy, deprived of shine, hard to style and painfully hard to detangle. It's also worth realizing that hair styling products additionally contribute to worsening medium porosity hair condition. Definitely, this type of strands needs to be given special attention. It can be taken for granted that the future state of medium porosity hair depends on you and the type of care you provide it with today.

An infographic stating: Medium porosity hair is commonly known as 'normal'; happens to be thin and sensitized; with frequency to split ends

Medium Porosity Hair Care

Medium porosity hair requires reinforcement and deep nourishment combined with reconstruction of the possible damage. And this applies mainly to hair ends and mid-lengths downwards. It's suggested reaching for a shampoo, oil or scalp conditioner that regulates oily glands work, ensures hair regeneration and reinforces hair’s natural protective layer.

Furthermore, medium porosity hair must be treated with light cosmetics that don't overburden the strands. For that reason, a good solution is offered by delicate mists, herbal distillates and spray conditioners.

What's more, such hair should be regularly treated with conditioners containing proteins, emollients and light, volatile silicones (cyclohexasiloxane, cyclomethicone, cyclotetrasiloxane, dimethicone copolyol, lauryl methicone copolyol). Moreover, you can also make good use of various types of moisturising masks containing for example aloe, hyaluronic acid, urea and other humectants.

One of the best beauty treatments for medium porosity hair is hair oiling. For that reason, it's suggested applying natural oils to hair once a week, best if carried out with the oils containing omega-7 and omega-9 fatty acids.

Since medium porosity hair is frequently sensitized, it's the very hair type that gets weaker during... sleep. It's because the strands rub the pillowcase and are being tugged while we’re lying on them. For that reason, it's a good idea to arrange the hair in a loose bun or plait at bedtime.

Medium porosity hair should be detangled due to either a delicate brush made of natural bristle or a wide-tooth comb. When it comes to drying, it's best to use lukewarm air stream of a hairdryer. It smooths out hair cuticles and leaves strands shiny. Remember also to get hair ends trimmed regularly since this is the most fragile part of medium porosity hair.

An infographic stating: Beauty products to treat medium porosity hair with: water replenishing, high quality serum, spray conditioners

Shampoo for Medium Porosity Hair

While choosing a shampoo for medium porosity hair you should focus on your strands type and match it to, for example, type of curls or how much greasy the hair is. Additionally, such shampoo should be non-overburdening. Therefore, it would be better if you choose a colourless shampoo instead of milky and thick one which is destined for high porosity hair.

Conditioner for Medium Porosity Hair

First and foremost, a conditioner for medium porosity hair must be light, which means that it can't overburden hair or leave an oily film on the strands. This type of hair likes being replenished with water and protected against mechanical damage. Therefore, it'd be best to choose a conditioner containing moisturising humectants and quite a number of emollients. Another essential element of medium porosity hair care is the hair ends protection. For that reason, don't skip applying special serums or a high quality hair oil.

Additionally, if your hair is thin, choose a spray conditioner or a light leave-in hair mist. Such cosmetic protects and smooths hair out without overburdening it.

Intensify your hair care once a week by using a mask that clears, nourishes and strengthens the tresses, leaving them better-looking. Thanks to Nanoil, you can choose one out of the top-quality hair masks that are based on ingredients essential to medium porosity hair. Turn your tresses around with a liquid silk mask or try the powerful argan oil hair mask.

Oils for Medium Porosity Hair

As mentioned above, medium porosity hair shaft is covered by cuticles that are slightly lifted. In light of this, oils used to condition such hair should be made of medium-sized molecules. Look for those which composition is dominated by omega-7 and omega-9 fatty acids. The finest blend of the such oils is Nanoil for Medium Porosity Hair.

Oils and Cosmetic Butters Recommended for Medium Porosity Hair

  • Baobab seed oil - creates a microscopic film on hair which counteracts water loss. This oil fights back external aggressors, smooths hair and leaves it shiny.
  • Argan oil - is the power of antioxidants that slow down cell aging. It offers protection against high temperature generated during hot styling. It deeply regenerates keratin structure of weakened hair.
  • Jojoba oil - basically it's a liquid wax pressed from gray box bush nuts. It's find exceptional owing to the incredibly high squalene content. It prevents greasy hair by slowing down sebum production. It cleanses skin and cures dandruff. At the same time the oil is good at nourishing which makes it a salvation for dehydrated hair and scalp.
  • Macadamia oil - it penetrates scalp and hair follicles in no time. Macadamia oil is found irreplaceable when it comes to medium porosity hair care because it doesn't weigh hair down but regulates sebum secretion, soothes irritations, conditions, moisturizes, softens and increases hair elasticity.
  • Avocado oil - replenishes hair with water and intensifies its shine. Described as Oils of 7 Vitamins it’s the finest conditioner and multivitamin for hair. It smooths hair fiber, leaves strands shiny, prevents frizz and brittleness. It increases hair manageability.
  • Sweet almond oil - shields hair against damage, is delicate and well-absorbing. It's known for adding shine to matte hair and bringing relief to irritated scalp. Sweet almond oil is made of 55% omega-9 fatty acids. Vitamin B that this oil contains is responsible for managing the process of proper hair growth.
  • Rice oil - it features calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphor, manganese, iron, fiber as well as vitamin E and K. It's highly valued due to its high concentration of phytosterols, tocopherols and γ-Oryzanol, which are substances that slow down cell and scalp aging and prevent hair loss.
  • Grape seed oil - it displays soothing and regenerating properties. This oil deals with dandruff, psoriasis, excessive sebum production and greasy scalp. It protects hair and scalp against solar radiation, chemical and mechanical damage as well as frequent hairdressing treatments (i.e. coloring, blow drying and straightening).
  • Sea buckthorn oil - it features a high concentration of antioxidants, palmitoleic acid (omega-7) and tannins, flavonoids, boron, mangan, and vitamins A, C and K. This oil stimulates collagen synthesis and reinforces bonds in hair that consequently win elasticity and becomes easy to style. Sea buckthorn oil accelerates hair growth, replenishes strands with water, conditions and nourishes.

What Are Other Things That Medium Porosity Hair Likes?

  • Keratin - which is a natural constituent of hair. It's a good idea to treat hair with keratin mask once or twice a month. This will fill up all gaps in hair structure and fix micro-damage.
  • Hyaluronic acid - it doesn't only moisturize, smooth hair and protect against damage. Hyaluronic acid also makes hair sleek and full of shine. Moreover, it helps fix all the gaps in hair structure, takes care of scalp by protecting it against dehydration and irritation.
  • Fructose - it's simple sugar commonly used in food industry. Fructose is perfect to treat medium porosity hair with because it moisturizes and at the same time reinforces the strands and protects against damage. It's worth remembering that this 'sweet' substance is linked with one of hair constituents - keratin - so it's good at regenerating and reinforcing. Owing to fructose, medium porosity hair becomes strong and its superficial layer is noticeably rebuilt.
  • Silk proteins - they nourish hair, moisturize and condition hair ends. Silk proteins are responsible for hair shine and good-looks. Moreover, proteins coat hair with microscopic film that mainly protects against dehydration and regenerates strands. Also, it prevents frizz and static.
  • Raspberry or apple vinegar (in the form of hair rinse) - it helps to close the raised hair cuticles, smooths hair and lets the strands regain their lost shine. When it comes to scalp, it becomes cleansed and its pH level gets balanced.
  • Sunscreens - UVA and UVB protection is the core of medium porosity hair care. Solar radiation encourages hair cuticles to raise which leads to cortex damage (inner hair structure). As a consequence, medium porosity hair might change its porosity into high, become dry and brittle, may start losing its bounciness, softness and shine. Moreover, it becomes more prone to breaking and ends get split easily. Also hair bulbs get weaker which translates into intensified hair loss problem. Hair might stop growing completely. Therefore, especially during the summer reach for natural oils that offer natural UV filters. Through a day, treat your strands with a light hair mist with high sun protection filter.
  • Vitamin A (retinol) - regulates work of oily glands, combats dandruff, reinforces hair and protects hydro-lipid coat of scalp.
  • Vitamin E - commonly named 'vitamin of youth,' is a potent antioxidant that slows down aging processes. It accelerates cell division in hair cortex which makes hair grow properly, preserve its good condition, regenerate and become resistant to damage.
  • Provitamin B₅ - improves the appearance and condition of hair, protects and stimulates hair growth, prevents damage and takes care of hair ends.

Medium Porosity Hair - Things to Avoid

Sensitized hair, which is fast to weigh down, doesn't tolerate heavy and thick masks and creamy shampoos that build up at the roots and are hard to rinse from medium porosity hair. The composition of cosmetics is equally important. It must be realized that medium porosity hair might get dehydrated and dull definitely faster due to being in contact with synthetic substances in shampoos and conditioners.

Shampoo constituents that medium porosity hair doesn't get along with are: monohydroxy alcohol (dehydrate), silicons (reside on hair), strong detergents and preservatives (irritate).

Also, try to avoid heavy, comedogenic and hard-to-remove silicones such as simethicone, trimethicone, trimethylsiloxysilicates. Furthermore, always check whether a particular oil, mask or conditioner that you want to apply is suitable for your hair type. In the case of medium porosity hair, the less means more. Therefore, use just a few cosmetics which quality is high and which play in tune with your hair structure.

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