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Complete Guide to the Finest Hair & Body Care - Blog - Nanoil United States

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Let Your Hair Speak Up, part 2. Blonde Hair Care

Blondes belong to the group of women who should attach great importance to their hair care. Naturally fair hair is the most fragile and prone to damage. Consequently, it is the most challenging when

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Hairology part 7 – COSMETIC CLAYS for hair

Natural clays are extremely popular and often used in beauty care. They are the most common as the ingredients of the face and body masks but can be successfully used in hair care. Clay hair benefits

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Let Your Hair Speak Up, part 1. Damaged Hair Care

Dry and damaged hair isn’t just an aesthetic problem. Weak hair fiber means e.g. breakage and thinning so it needs professional care. Is it possible to rebuild damaged and over-processed hair? What

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Hairology part 6 – HERBS & PLANT EXTRACTS for hair

Herbs enjoy a huge popularity in cosmetics. It is nothing surprising because their conditioning, regenerating and even healing power has been known for ages. Herbal hair products often top chemical

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Scalp Exfoliation - Unusual Hair Care Method

Beautiful hair is the fruit of full haircare yet the condition of scalp also affects the health of the hairdo. That’s why a scalp scrub is a must. Sadly, it’s often missing in women’s beauty care

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Hairology part 5 – HUMECTANTS for hair

Water is the source of life, including the life of hair. Without water, every hair care routine is going to end up in failure. Without enough hydration, hair is brittle and dry, especially on ends. In

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Hair Fun Facts. Items of information about hair that will surprise you!

Although we have hundreds of thousands of hair on our head, we aren't aware of the load of information each of them carries. What's that you don't know about hair yet? Indeed, there are hundreds of

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Hairology part 4 – EMOLLIENTS for hair

Hair care is not only about delivering vitamins and repair ingredients inside the hair. Because hair is permanently exposed to damage, it is crucial to protect it, creating a special occlusive and

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Hairology part 3 – PROTEINS & AMINO ACIDS for hair

Proteins make up an extremely important group of ingredients. They are the building block of hair – a sequence of amino acids. Proteins reinforce the resilience of hair and keep hair from quick damage

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Hair porosity and the ways to determine it. What does it mean that hair is porous?

If it wasn't for the hair structure and the knowledge concerning its needs, hair oil treatment wouldn’t be so successful. The key to find the perfect hair oil, the one which will fulfil our hair care

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