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Complete Guide to the Finest Hair & Body Care - Blog - Nanoil United States

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Hairs Of The World. Part 4: South American-Style Hair Care

South America is a continent where modern cosmetology and aesthetic medicine meet the centuries-old tradition and ancient plants of great powers. The ancient Incas have discovered the beautifying

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Professional Hair Treatments. Which Hair-Conditioning Procedures Are Worth Testing?

Why is a hair appointment the necessary evil for some of us? It is time we dispelled a myth that hairdressers aren’t knowledgeable about hair care. Discover the best repairing, moisturising

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Hairs of the World. Part 3: African-Style Hair Care

What can we learn from women living in Morocco, Egypt or Kenya? Africa is an unusual continent. A characteristic climate means the need for an intensified beauty care. Hair has no easy

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Reconstruction of Hair - Keratin Smoothing Treatment - Full Repair

Keratin is conquering hair salons. What does a keratin hair-smoothing treatment involve? If you’re wondering how to repair your hairdo and have straight hair, check the effects delivered by the

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Hairs of the World. Part 2: European-Style Hair Care

Europe – one of the fastest-developing continents. Hairstyling has its roots there. European women have been setting hair care trends for ages. They strive for the best, cherishing both innovative

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Hair Steaming - Nourishing & Moisturising Treatment. How to Do it at Home?

Winter or sun-damaged, over-processed tresses – hair has no easy life. It longs for regeneration and an in-depth nourishing. Hair steaming can provide it. How does it work? Read on to check the hair

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Hairs of the World. Part 1: Asian-Style Hair Care

Beautiful hair is a kind of a weak spot of every woman in the world - no matter of the longitude or latitude she lives at. For most females it's just a sheer willingness to take care of hair and

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The Best Types of Hair Extensions

Long hair is no longer just a dream. It is a goal that you can achieve with home remedies or hair-salon extensions. There are several methods you can choose from. Find the one right for you.

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My Beautiful, Thin Hair - The Best Haircuts & Styling Tips

Thin hair isn’t the end of the world. It is true that you can’t go for any hairstyle but you can choose between many brilliant haircuts.You would be surprised by the number of music or film stars

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Hair Lamination Treatment. What Can You Do to Have Soft, Shiny & Silky-Smooth Hair?

What is hair lamination and how does it work? So far, we’ve done paper lamination to protect documents from damage. The purpose of the hair lamination is similar. Discover the secrets of hair

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